
Silent, frequent repetition of a mantram-a word or phrase with spiritual significance, sometimes called a Holy Name-is an ancient form of prayer that may reduce stress and related symptoms. The authors tested the feasibility and efficacy of a 5-week (90-min per week) intervention on mantram repetition in a sample of ambulatory veterans. Aconvenience sample (N= 62) of outpatient veterans participated in the study by completing pre-and posttest self-report questionnaires on stress, anxiety, anger, quality of life, and spiritual well-being. Wrist-worn counters were provided to track mantram practice. Mantram repetition significantly reduced symptoms of stress and anxiety and improved quality of life and spiritual well-being. Additional research using a larger sample size and control group is needed to further substantiate the benefits of this intervention. Frequent, silent mantram repetition is easily taught and could be used by nurses and patients for managing stress and increasing well-being.

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