
EMG-triggered electrostimulation (EMG-ES) may improve the motor performance of affected limbs of hemiparetic stroke patients even in the chronic stage. This study was designed to characterize cortical activation changes following intensified EMG-ES in chronic stroke patients and to identify predictors for successful rehabilitation depending on disease severity. We studied 9 patients with severe residual hemiparesis, who underwent 8 weeks of daily task-orientated multi-channel EMG-ES of the paretic arm. Before and after treatment, arm function was evaluated clinically and cortical activation patterns were assessed with functional MRI (fMRI) and/or transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). As response to therapy, arm function improved in a subset of patients with more capacity in less affected subjects, but there was no significant gain for those with Box & Block test values below 4 at inception. The clinical improvement, if any, was accompanied by an ipsilesional increase in the sensorimotor cortex (SMC) activation area in fMRI and enhanced intracortical facilitation (ICF) as revealed by paired TMS. The SMC activation change in fMRI was predicted by the presence or absence of motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) on the affected side. The present findings support the notion that intensified EMG-ES may improve the arm function in individual chronic hemiparetic stroke patients but not in more severely impaired individuals. Functional improvements are paralleled by increased ipsilesional SMC activation and enhanced ICF supporting neuroplasticity as contributor to rehabilitation. The clinical score at inception and the presence of MEPs have the best predictive potential.

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