
Eel (Monopterus albus) is a freshwater fish that is rich with protein, amino acids, and fatty acids, which are useful as nutrients for accelerated wound healing. The gel is a semisolid dosage form that produces a membrane on the surface of the wound that serves as a wound dressing. Other dosage forms namely membrane has a function to cover the wound and also contain nutrients that play an important rule in accelerating wound healing. The Eel was extracted by a water solvent in an autoclave at 121⁰C for 15 minutes. Eel extract was formulated in a gel and membrane dosage form. Then there are test the effectiveness of the Eel extract gel and membrane on incision wound healing using commercial preparations (gel dosage form) as positive control and without medication as the negative control. The efficacy of Eel extracts from each dosage form could be seen from rat skin that has slashed in the back section taken on days 3, 6, 9, and 12. Eel extract formulated in the membranes form provides the highest value of the tensile strength test. Gel and membrane of Eel extract have effectiveness toward the healing of incision wound in rat compared with the positive control.

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