
To evaluate the efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) and super short pulse (SSP) and shock wave-enhanced emission photoacoustic streaming (SWEEPS) modes of Er:YAG laser-activated irrigation (LAI) with two different laser tips, in removing filling remnants after conventional retreatment in severely curved root canals. The study sample consisted of 40 extracted molars with curved mesiobuccal root canals. The canals were instrumented with ProTaper Next and filled with an epoxy resin-based sealer and gutta-percha using continuous wave vertical compaction and warm injection back-filling. After retreatment with ProTaper Universal Retreatment system and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), all samples were randomly divided into four groups (n = 10) according to the final irrigation technique: PUI, LAI/SSP, SWEEPS/flat-tip, and SWEEPS/radial-tip, using 6mL of 3% NaOCl for an activation time of 3 × 30s. The samples were subjected to micro-CT scans after root canal filling, retreatment, and final irrigation. The filling material volume and percentage reduction were calculated. All tested irrigation techniques were successful in the elimination of the filling remnants after the retreatment (p < 0.001). The LAI/SSP group showed a higher reduction rate than the SWEEPS/flat-tip group (p = 0.032). No significant differences were found between the other groups (p > 0.05). All tested techniques improved the removal of filling material during retreatment in curved canals. LAI/SSP showed slightly better results than other techniques. The study highlights the need for additional activated irrigation after the retreatment of curved root canals. The choice between PUI and LAI is not decisive for success.

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