
Cottonseed were planted on a Commerce silt loam soil on 20 Jun. Plot size was four rows (centered on 40 inches) by 50 ft. Treatments were replicated four times in a RCB. Treatments were applied on 18 Aug with a high clearance sprayer and CO2 charged spray system calibrated to deliver 6 gpa through Teejet TX-8 hollow cone nozzles (2 per row). Treatment efficacy was determined by sampling the center two rows of each plot with a sweep net (25 sweeps/row) at 5 and 7 DAT. Data for each row were averaged and all data were subjected to ANOVA and means separated according to Fisher’s Protected LSD (P = 0.05). No rainfall occurred from the application date until the end of sampling. Plots were mechanically harvested using a spindle type harvester on 26 Oct. Yields were converted to lb seed cotton/acre.

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