
We wished to examine the efficacy of different media used for inflation of tracheal tube cuffs. In our prospective randomized, controlled study over 3 months, there were 150 patients of either sex undergoing surgery under general anaesthesia with controlled ventilation with nitrous oxide and oxygen. The patients were divided into three equal groups (air, isotonic saline and alkalinized lignocaine as inflation media) using sealed envelope technique. The volume of the inflation medium, intracuff pressure, duration of intubation, volume of the inflation medium withdrawn from the cuff and complications like tube intolerance, coughing on tube, restlessness, hoarseness, sore throat, breathlessness and laryngospasm were analysed. Continuous data are presented as mean +/- SD, whereas categorical data are presented as frequencies and percentages. A [chi]2, analysis of variance and student's t-test were used to analyse the data. A P value less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Age, sex, duration of intubation, intracuff pressure at the time of intubation were comparable. After intubation at all intervals, the intracuff pressure was higher in the air group with statistical significance at 5 min, 30 min, 1 h and just before extubation when air and saline groups were comparable and at all intervals after intubation up to just before extubation when air and lignocaine groups were comparable. The volume of air increased just before extubation in the air group, as compared with a fall in volume in the other groups. Tube intolerance, hoarseness and sore throat were least in the lignocaine group. We found that alkalinized 2% lignocaine and saline are better cuff inflation media, than air.

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