
Abstract Cotton was planted 9 May on the Cotton Branch Experiment Station in Marianna, AR in 8 row (38 inch centers) wide plots 70 ft long with 10 ft alleys and separated by a 6.5 ft buffer planted in mustard. Treatments were arranged in a RCBD with 3 replications. Insecticides were applied 10 Jul using a 8-row CO2 charged hi-boy sprayer calibrated to deliver 10.5 gpa at 30 psi with TJ-60 8002 nozzles on 19 inch spacing. Prior to application, TPB were collected using sweep nets in blooming mustard. The collected TPB were placed in 15 ml plastic vials (5 insects per vial) on ice. Three organdy sleeve cages, 6 inches diam by 18 inches long, were secured to randomly selected individual plants in the center 2 rows by tying the lower end of each cage around the plant ca 1 ft from the terminal with twist ties. The cages were rolled down to the tie and covered with aluminum foil leaving plant terminals exposed. Following treatments, the foil was removed, the cage pulled up, and 5 TPB nymphs (3 to 5th instar) were placed into each cage. Cage tops were secured with twist ties. After 72 h plants were cut below the cage and taken to the laboratory where TPB mortality was determined. Mortality data were analyzed with AOV, and means separated with LSD.

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