
Abusive head trauma (AHT) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality for infants. Determining when to pursue a complete physical abuse evaluation can be difficult, especially for nonspecific findings or when a child appears clinically well. This retrospective study of 7 cases sought to describe the presentation, evaluation, and diagnoses for infants with abnormal subdural collections identified on cranial ultrasound for macrocephaly, and to determine how frequently AHT is diagnosed. The results of this study showed that while each patient presented due to asymptomatic macrocephaly, the extent of the workup varied greatly. In addition, no infants had suspicious injuries for abuse during the initial evaluation or the year following. In summary, among the 7 patients seen for asymptomatic macrocephaly with possible subdural hemorrhage, there were very inconsistent child abuse workups. There needs to be a standardized clinical guideline for this specific patient population involving a child abuse pediatric evaluation.

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