
In an open, prospective, non-comparative study, 37 previously treated (PrTr) (with extracted HGH) and 5 previously untreated (PrUn) GHD children (height (Ht) < 3 percentile or Ht velocity (Vel) < 4 cm/year; max.serum-Gil < 10 ng/ml in at least two standard stimulation tests) were given Bio-HGH (Somatropin-Lilly) s.c.0.06 mg/kg three times a week to a max. of 8 mg per week. Treatment with Bio-HGH began at least 5 months after treatment with extracted HGH had ceased. Height was measured within 2 months after previous treatment was discontinued. Lower leg length (LLL) measurements were started 6 weeks before treatment with Bio-HGll by using a knemometer. Ht Vel (cm/yr) and LLL Vel (mm/yr) are shown in the table (mean±SD). LLL Vel correlated more significantly with Ht Vel during (r=0.75) than before (r=0.47) Bio-HGH treatment. Because LLL was measured only 6 weeks before Bio-HGH was started, the LLL Vel probably reflects more accurately the efficacy of Bio-HGH in PrTr patients.

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