
A field experiment was conducted during the winter season (rabi) of 1998 99 and 1999 2000 at Sriniketan, to study the effect of biofertilizers with nitrogen levels on growth, productivity and economics of wheat (Triticurn aestivum L. emend. Fiori Paol.). Seed inoculation by Azospirillurn brasilense or Azotobacter chroococcurn strains with nitrogen levels significantly influenced the growth attributes, yield attributes and yield of wheat. Use of 75% recommeded dose of N along with azospirillum or azotobacter seed inoculation showed at par results when com paredwith 100% recommended nitrogen (1 00 kglha) towards growth attributes (plant height and leaf area index), yield attributes (effective tillers/m2, ear length and grainslear) and yield but slightly higher net return and benefit : cost ratio were achieved from 100% recommended dose of N. In red and lateritic soils, seed inoculation with Azospirillum or Azotobacter strains supplemented 25% of recommended dose of nitrogen (25 kg Nlha) in wheat which reduced the use of inorganic fertilizers with a view to attain an eco friendly environment.

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