
Diabetes mellitus Type 2 (DM Type 2) is a major health problem in the present era. It is characterized by increased blood sugar level (BSL) with or without some classical features such as polydipsia, polyphagia, and polyuria. In Ayurveda, diabetes comes under a Vatic subtype of Prameha-called Madhumeha (~DM). The present study deals with a newly diagnosed case of Type 2 DM since February 22, 2019, with no family history of diabetes and oral hypoglycemic agent. His BSLs were high with associated symptoms such as pain in multiple joints, burning micturition, and pindikoudvesatna (~cramps while walking/calf muscle pain). Ayurveda-based pathogenesis suggested that the patient is of Kapha-Pittavrit-VataDosha (~a biohumor) is the chief vitiating factor and also vitiation of Meda, Kleda, Vasa, Ambu, and Ojas with Dhatwagnimandya are the co-factor. By considering the Nidana (~etiological factors), Dosha (~a biohumor), and Dusya (~tissue elements), a judicial combination of Ayurveda drugs such as Gokshuradi Guggulu, Gudmar Patra, Jamun Bija, Sudarshan, Nagarmotha Churna, and Chandraprabha Vati was advised to take orally in morning and evening with lukewarm water and proper diet and lifestyle modification was also prescribed. At the time of consultation, his fasting blood sugar (FBS) and postprandial blood sugar (PPBS) were 377 mg/dl and over 450 mg/dl, respectively, along with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) as 16.7%. After taking the prescribed formulation for 4 months, his FBS and PPBS levels came down to the normal range, but HbA1c level declined at 6 months to 6.4%. The prescribed antidiabetic Ayurvedic medicines showed good response by maintaining normal BSLs in a Type 2 DM case.

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