
Wound healing occurs as a fundamental response to tissue injury. Several natural products have been shown to accelerate the healing process. To observe the efficacy of topical administration of an ethanolic extract of Ageratum conyzoides on cutaneous wound healing in rats. An ethanolic extract of A. conyzoides was prepared, and its wound-healing efficacy on rats was studied. An open excision wound was made on the back of each rat, and 200 μL (40 mg/kg body weight) of the A. conyzoides extract was applied topically once daily to the treated wounds. The control wounds were treated with 200 μL of 50% ethanol. The wound tissues formed were removed at 4, 8 and 12 days after wounding, and biochemical parameters such as DNA, total protein, total collagen, hexosamine and uronic acid were estimated. The extent of epithelialization and the tensile strength of the wounded tissues were also measured. The A. conyzoides extract increased cellular proliferation and collagen synthesis. Wounds treated with the extract were found to heal much faster, based on the improved rates of epithelialization and wound contraction, and on the histopathological results. A 40% increase in the tensile strength of the treated tissue was seen. Topical application of A. conyzoides accelerates the rate of wound healing.

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