
The aim of this study was to study new therapeutic options for the treatment of female and male androgenetic alopecia (AGA) and to assess the efficacy of a possible new coadjuvant oral and topical therapy, containing a complex of natural substances. Sixty individuals affected by mild-to-moderate female and male AGA were enrolled in the study and underwent the oral and topical treatment with a microemulsion formulation for 6 months. At baseline and at 3- and 6-month follow-up, global photographs were taken and three expert operators evaluated photographs using the 7-point scale. On a subgroup of our sample, non-invasive phototrichograms with TrichoScan® HD at baseline and follow-ups were performed to collect the trichological parameters of total number of hairs, hair density/cm2, vellus hair density/cm2, terminal hair density/cm2 and hair thickness. One-way ANOVA and Unpaired Student t-test were performed to analyze the data. Using the 7-point scale, a clinically visible improvement of hair loss was observed after three and six months of treatment. A statistically significant increase of all TrichoScan® trichological parameters was observed at both 3- and 6 month-follow-up. The complex of natural and active substances tested in this work showed good efficacy in improving both male and female hair loss. These new products could represent a valid alternative or coadjuvant therapy of AGA, increasing the efficacy of conventional treatments such as minoxidil or finasteride.

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