
Event Abstract Back to Event Efficacy of a nAg modified orthodontic primer reducing demineralization around brackets: an in vivo study Gabriela Moreno-Meraz1, Facundo Ruiz2, Mauricio Pierdant-Pérez3, Antonio A. Gordillo-Moscoso3, Gylmar Mariel-Cárdenas4, Jairo Mariel-Cárdenas5 and Wulfrano Sánchez-Meraz5 1 UASLP, Faculty of Medicine / Faculty of Sciences, Mexico 2 UASLP, Faculty of Sciences, Mexico 3 UASLP, Faculty of Medicine, Mexico 4 UASLP, Faculty of Engineering, Mexico 5 UASLP, Faculty of Stomatology, Mexico Introduction: Tooth enamel, also called enamel tissue or enamel substance way cap covers the dentin in its coronal portion providing protection to the underlying connective tissue. Since enamel composition is based on 95% inorganic matrix it presents a high hardness. Hydroxyapatite crystals are constituted by calcium phosphate, this represents the inorganic component of enamel. Hydroxyapatite crystals are densely packed and are larger than other mineralized tissues. These crystals are susceptible acid substrate, this component is which increases dental demineralization.[1] Dental demineralization is considered to be the most prevalent iatrogenic effect associated with orthodontic treatment and might be jeopardize the longevity and aesthetics of the dental organ associated. It has been documented that the onset and progression of weakness in the enamel surface or dental caries is directly associated with Streptococcus mutans and its prevalence is related to the complexity of itself. It has been clinically proven, that the formation of white opaque spots around braces can occur within the 4 weeks of starting the treatment.[2][3] Silver nanoparticles have demonstrated efficacy as antimicrobials, and some studies have shown that these antimicrobial properties are particularly effective reducing the population of Streptococcus mutans.[4][5][6][7][8] The aim of this study was to compare changes in enamel adjacent to orthodontic brackets using bonding agents enriched with silver nanoparticles (nAg) compared to a conventional primer adhesive with laser fluorescence. Materials and Methods: According with previous studies, Transbond™ XT Primer was doped with silver nanoparticles, A split-mouth design was applied to 20 healthy patients, (40 teeth)[9] who were to begin orthodontic treatment. The brackets were cemented with the nAg doped primer (TX0) randomly allocated to either the right or the left side of the maxilla and it was applied to the incisors following the manufacturer's protocol. The contralateral teeth had the same type of bracket and a conventional primer (TX1) (with no nAg). DIAGNOdent (KaVo Dental Corporation, Lake Zurich, Ill) [10]measurements were used to assess white spot lesions after 8 weeks. This study is registred in the clinical trials page. Results: All analyses were performed with R software version 3.1.0 and R Commander version 2.0-4 package 95% confidence level. [11]There were no missing observations. To determine the effectiveness of treatment, an analysis of the final measurements an ANOVA was performed. The final model (Demineralizatión~Basal + Tx) was significant F (39) = 31.4, p <0.001. It can be explained 63% of the variation in the set of explanatory variables. The mean in FINAL score when TX0 = 3.25 + 1.99 is lower than the mean of FINAL score when TX1 = 9.85 + 6.39. The difference in scores between the two groups is 6.13 (CI 95%, 3.82 - 8.43). Conclusion: Baseline measurements for both treatments showed demineralization degree as the initial score taken with diagnodent. However, the difference in baseline mean was not significant. The teeth, which were primed with nAg doped Transbond XT, had lower final mean score than those primed with conventional Transbond XT, at 8 weeks from baseline measure. This may be attributed to the antimicrobial effect of silver nanoparticles and this effect is not modified after curing the primer. Other studies to evaluate the type of bracket, and to evaluate whether increasing the amount of nanoparticles, the antimicrobial power of the primer is increased without changing its physical properties, and if it persists over time. are needed. UASLP

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