
 Voice rehabilitation is the most important issue after total laryngectomy as source of vibration is removed. Three options are there like esophageal voice, electrolarynx and surgical prosthetic voice. Best is the prosthetic speech as voice is generated by lung powered air column. Provox prosthesis is the standard on and most commonly used. But it is costly for the class of patients presenting to our government hospitals. Duckbill prosthesis is very economical and may be helpful for them. There is very limited number of studies with duckbill prosthesis.
 Materials and Methods
 Twenty two post-laryngectomy patients was selected for this study. Proper counselling was done regarding cost, pros and cons of Provox and Duckbill prosthesis. Fifteen patient selected Duckbill where as seven patient have chosen Provox prosthasis. Voice analysis was done after one month of speech therapy by perceptual voice analysis protocol. Safety and complications arising from prosthesis were also noted.
 There was no significant difference in quality of voice.Both prosthesis are safe if prolong use is avoided.
 There is no significant difference in the quality and safety of both the prosthesis, but huge difference in cost is present. More over it is recurrent cost as it should be changed every year or earlier. One Provox costs around rupees fifty thousand whereas a duckbill prosthesis costs rupees one thousand approximately in Indian market.

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