
Multiple myeloma is a malignancy of plasma cells of the bone marrow. Although the prognosis is variable, no curative therapy has been defined. Vaccinia virus infects cancer cells and kills such cells in a variety of ways. These include direct infection, triggering of immunomediated cell death, and vascular collapse. The potential of the vaccinia virus as an anti-tumor therapy has attracted the attention of oncologists. Interestingly, our preliminary experiments revealed that myeloma cells were particularly susceptible to vaccinia virus. To exploit this susceptibility and to render vaccinia more myeloma specific, we generated thymidine-kinase-deleted microRNA (miRNA)-regulated vaccinia viruses in which the essential viral gene B5R was regulated by miRNAs of normal human cells. Of the miRNAs examined, let-7a was found to be the most reliable in terms of regulating viral transmission. Exposure to unregulated vaccinia virus killed myeloma-transplanted severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice; the animals succumbed to viral toxicity. In contrast, the thymidine-kinase-deleted let-7a-regulated virus remained localized within myeloma cells, triggering tumor regression and improving overall survival. In conclusion, a thymidine-kinase-deleted let-7a-regulated vaccinia virus was safe and effective for mice, warranting clinical trials in humans.

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