
Results: 34 people made up the data set. 25/34 (74%) answered the questionnaire. 11/25(44%) had suicidal thoughts in the previous 72 hours. 3/34 (9%) had deliberately self-harmed in the previous 72 hours. 29/34 (85%) stated that the needle exchange would be their first contact point in health care if they had concerns over theirmental health. Qualitative data revealed drug workers are providing mental health support to service users, but haven’t received formal training. Discussion: This is a small study limited by questionnaire design and sample size. However, it does highlight some important points. Namely, drug users remain at higher risk of suicide ideation and selfharm than general population. NEs are a crucial point of contact yet workers at these exchanges are not suitably trained to provide support. Conclusion: Further attention should be given to NEs as points of contact for people at risk.

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