
ABSTRACT Weed management is one of the most important and expensive steps in chilli pepper cultivation. Smallholder farmers depend mainly on manual hand weeding, which is labor-intensive and expensive. Field experiments were, therefore, conducted to evaluate the efficacy and economic benefits of hand weeding (HW), herbicides, and their combined effect on chilli pepper. A randomized complete block design was used with three replications. Pre-emergence application of propaben® (metolachlor 20% w/v + prometryn 20% w/v) and butachlor (50% w/v) each at 2.0 kg ha−1 + HW at 40 days after transplanting (DAT) significantly reduced weed density and biomass, and increased weed control efficacy, similar to weed-free check and better than two HWs or sole application of either herbicide. Propaben® or butachlor plus HW also provided significantly higher fruit yields than two HWs, weed-free check, and sole application of either herbicide. Sole application of propaben® and butachlor incurred lower labor cost and net return but recorded 153–233% higher cost-benefit ratio than HW only. Propaben® or butachlor + HW resulted in 52–61% higher net return and 209–219% cost-benefit ratio compared with the weed-free check that included the cost of four HW. This showed that multiple HW did not guarantee highest yield or net return but rather increased the cost of production. Integrated weed management with propaben® + HW or butachlor + HW will provide higher chilli fruit yield and net return than multiple HWs or sole application of either herbicide through efficient weed control at a lower cost.

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