
This article analyses the most effective marketing channels of attracting foreign students. The number of foreign students is one of the most important performance indicators taken into consideration when preparing international university rankings. Conclusions and practical recommendations on working with main instruments and methods of foreign students recruiting are based on the analysis of quantitative research conducted by the university specialists and data analysis from Google Analytics and Yandex university site metrics. This research was conducted to identify the most effective instruments and methods of attracting foreign students and understanding geo- targeting peculiarities. The main task of the research is to prepare an analytical basis for developing and ensuring high-performance marketing strategy for university internationalization. It was found that the most influential factor for foreign student's positive decision concerning enrollment is online promotion tools which in turn requires more in-depth analysis of digital marketing resource analysis and search for new online opportunities. The article also looks into the practices of using modern pilot tools of attracting foreign students as a possible innovative recruiting method in university strategy.

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