
The efferent projections from the medial and lateral mammillary nuclei of the guinea pig were traced after injecting tritiated amino acid. The major efferent started as the principal mammillary tract, but soon divided into mammillothalamic and mammillotegmental tracts. The mammillothalamic tract projected anterodorsally and terminated in the anterior dorsal, anterior ventral and anterior medial thalamic nuclei. The mammillotegmental tract projected caudally and terminated in the dorsal tegmental nucleus and central gray. The mammillary efferents in the mammillary peduncle ran via the tegmentum of the midbrain and pons. It terminated in the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei, basal pontine nucleus and pontine tegmental reticular nucleus. A diffuse mammillary projection had fibers directed dorsally which distributed in the midline thalamic nuclei and in central gray. Rostral projections via the medial forebrain bundle from the medial mammillary nucleus were found in the septal area and diagonal band of Broca. The lateral mammillary nucleus sent fibers which also joined the mammillothalamic and mammillotegmental tracts. These terminated bilaterally mainly in the anterior dorsal and anterior ventral nuclei of the thalamus, and caudally in the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei and basal pontine nucleus.

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