
In the parafacial region of the medulla, the peptide Neuromedin B (NMB) is expressed in retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) neurons that are proposed to be central respiratory chemoreceptors. The efferent network of RTN Nmb neurons has been established in rats, but has not been examined in mice in detail. To map the downstream connections of RTN Nmb neurons we performed genetically-targeted tracing using novel Nmb-Cre knock-in mice. Adult Nmb-Cre mice were injected in the RTN unilaterally with a Cre-dependent AAV producing expression of red fluorescent protein (AAV-Cre ON -mScarlet). Expression of Nmb was identified by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Injections of AAV-Cre ON -mScarlet in the RTN (N=3) transduced 58 ± 11 % of Nmb-expressing neurons with a selectivity for Nmb neurons of 98 ± 1 %. Intensely labelled axons and terminals were observed in regions overlapping with the medullary and pontine respiratory network. We observe an intra-RTN network of fibers with close appositions between RTN Nmb neurons, as well as moderate projections to areas dorso-medial to the facial nucleus and medially adjacent to the locus coeruleus. There was a modest contralateral projection to the medullary respiratory network, but none to the pontine respiratory network. No labelled fibers were found rostral of the parabrachial nucleus. Anterograde tracing of RTN Nmb neurons was complemented using retrograde transport of Cre-recombinase (AAVrg-Cre) in R26-loxSTOPlox-L10-GFP mice (eGFP-reporter) mice combined with labelling of transcript for Nmb by FISH. Small volumes (3-6 nL) of AAVrg-Cre were unilaterally injected in the Pre-Bötzinger complex (PreBöt), lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPB), caudal ventral respiratory group (cVRG), and the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). We determined the proportion of total RTN Nmb neurons that were retro-labelled from each target (PreBöt- 75 ± 3%, n=3; LPB- 65 ± 3%, n=4; cVRG- 54 ± 6%, n=3; NTS- 38 ± 3%, n=3). This result suggests that RTN neurons have a high degree of collateralization within the medullary and pontine respiratory network. Injections of AAVrg-Cre in the PreBöt labelled 16 ± 11% of RTN Nmb neurons contralateral to the injection site. Collectively, these neuroanatomical observations show that the efferent network of RTN Nmb neurons broadly innervate and selectively the central respiratory network in alignment with prior descriptions in rat. Furthermore, we provide evidence for novel connectivity between RTN Nmb neurons. This anatomy supports the idea that RTN neurons generate a coordinated widespread excitation of the respiratory rhythm and pattern generating network in order to promote alveolar ventilation. Funding from NIH-HLBI #HL148004 This is the full abstract presented at the American Physiology Summit 2023 meeting and is only available in HTML format. There are no additional versions or additional content available for this abstract. Physiology was not involved in the peer review process.

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