
The nervous pathways between the small intestine of cat and guinea pig and various sympathetic ganglia were investigated by the retrograde horse-radish peroxidase (HRP) technique. HRP was injected at multiple sites in the wall of the duodenum and the first third of the jejunum. At 1--5 days after the injections, the HRP reaction product was searched for in various sympathetic ganglia. Not only the coeliac and nodose ganglia, but also the superior cervical, medial cervical, stellate and thoracic ganglia contained HRP-positive nerve cells. Crushing the cervical vagal nerve prevented the occurrence of HRP-reaction in the cervical ganglia, indicating that the HRP was transported from the gut to the cervical ganglia via axons in the vagal nerve. The results demonstrate that the sympathetic ganglia in the neck (sup, and med. cerv. ganglia and stellate ggl.) send efferent fibres to the small intestine.

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