
The archistriatum of the domestic chick has been implicated in both fear behaviour and learning. However, relatively little is known about its organisation. The efferent connections of discrete anatomical regions of the chick archistriatum were therefore investigated by iontophoresis of the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin into its anterior, dorsal intermediate, ventral intermediate, medial, and posterior parts. The results of this study suggest that the chick archistriatum can be divided into two basic divisions according to whether they project to the following limbic structures: the hippocampal formation, septal areas, lobus parolfactorius, nucleus accumbens, ventral paleostriatum, and dorsomedial thalamus. The limbic archistriatum includes the posterior archistriatum and extends rostrally through the ventral intermediate archistriatum into the anterior archistriatum. The non-limbic archistriatum comprises the dorsal intermediate and medial archistriatum and largely gives rise to specific sensory, somatosensory, and motor telencephalofugal efferents. There may not be distinct borders between these two divisions of the chick archistriatum.

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