
The anterior portion of rodent agranular insular cortex consists of a ventral periallocortical region (AIv) and a dorsal proisocortical region (AId). Each of these two cortical areas has distinct efferent connections, but in certain brain areas their projection fields are partially or wholly overlapping. Bilateral projections to layers I, III and VI of medial frontal cortex originate in the dorsal agranular insular cortex and terminate in the prelimbic, anterior cingulate and medial precentral areas; those originating in ventral agranular insular cortex terminate in the medial orbital, infralimbic and prelimbic areas. The dorsal and ventral regions of the agranular insular cortex project topographically to the ipsilateral cortex bordering the rhinal fissure, which includes the posterior primary olfactory, posterior agranular insular, perirhinal and lateral entorhinal areas. Fibers to these lateral cortical areas were found to travel in a cell-free zone, between cortical layer VI and the claustrum, which corresponds to the extreme capsule. The dorsal and ventral regions send commissural projections to layer I, lamina dissecans and outer layer V, and layer VI of the contralateral homotopical cortex, via the corpus callosum. Projections from the ventral and dorsal regions of the agranular insular cortex to the caudatoputamen are topographically arranged and terminate in finger-like patches. The ventral, but not the dorsal region, projects to the ventral striatum and ventral pallidum. The thalamic projections of the ventral and dorsal regions are largely overlapping, with projections from both to the ipsilateral reticular nucleus and bilaterally to the rhomboid, mediodorsal, gelatinosus and ventromedial nuclei. The heaviest projection is that to the full anteroposterior extent of the medial segment of the mediodorsal nucleus. Brainstem areas receiving projections from the ventral and dorsal regions include the lateral hypothalamus, substantia nigra pars compacta, ventral tegmental area and dorsal raphe nucleus. In addition, the ventral region projects to the periaqueductal gray and the dorsal region projects to the parabrachial and ventral pontine nuclei. These efferent connections largely reciprocate the afferent connections of the ventral and dorsal agranular insular cortex, and provide further support for the concept that these regions are portions of an outer ring of limbic cortex which plays a critical role in the expression of motivated, species-typical behaviors.

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