
SUMMARY The brooder phase (d one to 42) is crucial to overall turkey performance, and many integrators believe that the utilization of yeast products (YP) is cost effective. Pellet quality is crucial to grower/finisher phase production (d 42 to 118) due to feed form advantages during this period of high-volume consumption. Also, feed and feed manufacture represent the largest investment required to produce poultry. The objective of this study was to establish the effects of YP (YP1 or YP2) inclusion on d one to 42 poult performance. On d 42, a 2 YP carryover x 2 feed form [intact high-quality pellets (HQP) or ground pellets (GP)] factorial arrangement was used to measure main effects and interactions on d one to 118 tom performance. All diets had similar nutrient composition (other than YP), and feed was manufactured at a commercial feed mill. Feed form consisted of either intact HQP (average of 21.4% fines) or ground HQP (GP; average particle size of 1,108 microns). Male Hybrid Converters were reared at a facility that mimicked commercial grow-out. On d 42, YP1 improved ending weight (EW) and FCR. No YP carryover effect was demonstrated for any of the d 42 to 118 performance variables. Feeding HQP produced toms that were 0.29 kg/bird heavier with 9 points lower FCR, as compared to toms fed GP. Regression analyses predicted that if toms fed GP finished at the same d 118 EW as those fed HQP, then FCR advantages of HQP would be 12 points. These FCR benefits may justify the increased feed costs associated with manufacturing HQP.

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