
Most of the power for generating forces in the fingers arises from muscles located in the forearm. This configuration maximizes finger joint range of motion while minimizing finger mass and inertia. The resulting multiarticular arrangement of the tendons, however, complicates independent control of the wrist and the digits. Actuating the wrist impacts sensorimotor control of the fingers and vice versa. The goal of this study was to systematically investigate interactions between isometric wrist and digit control. Specifically, we examined how the need to maintain a specified wrist posture influences precision grip. Fifteen healthy adults produced maximum precision grip force at 11 different wrist flexion/extension angles, with the arm supported, under two conditions: 1) the participant maintained the desired wrist angle while performing the precision grip and 2) a robot maintained the specified wrist angle. Wrist flexion/extension posture significantly impacted maximum precision grip force (P < 0.001), with the greatest grip force achieved when the wrist was extended 30° from neutral. External wrist stabilization by the robot led to a 20% increase in precision grip force across wrist postures. Increased force was accompanied by increased muscle activation but with an activation pattern similar to the one used when the participant had to stabilize their wrist. Thus, simultaneous wrist and finger requirements impacted performance of an isometric finger task. External wrist stabilization can promote increased precision grip force resulting from increased muscle activation. These findings have potential clinical significance for individuals with neurologically driven finger weakness, such as stroke survivors.NEW & NOTEWORTHY We explored the interdependence between wrist and fingers by assessing the influence of wrist posture and external stabilization on precision grip force generation. We found that maximum precision grip force occurred at an extended wrist posture and was 20% greater when the wrist was Externally Stabilized. The latter resulted from amplification of muscle activation patterns from the Self-Stabilized condition rather than adoption of new patterns exploiting external wrist stabilization.

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