
Measurements of gas exchange, xylem tension and nocturnal malate synthesis were conducted with well-watered and droughted plants of Kalanchoë uniflora. Corresponding results were obtained with plants grown in 9 h and 12 h photoperiods. In well-watered plants, 50 to 90% of total CO2-uptake occurred during the light period. Nocturnal CO2-uptake and malate synthesis were higher and respiration rate was lower in old leaves (leaf pairs 6 to 10) compared to young leaves (leaf pairs 1 to 5). Within four days of drought distinct physiological changes occurred. Gas exchange during the light period decreased and CO2-uptake during the dark period increased. Nocturnal malate synthesis significantly increased in young leaves.Respiration rate decreased during periods of drought, this decrease being more pronounced in young leaves compared to old leaves. Restriction of gas exchange during the light period resulted in a decrease of transpiration ratio from more than 100 to about 20. The difference between osmotic pressure and xylem tension decreased in young leaves, indicating a reduction in bulk leaf turgor-pressure.We conclude that both the CAM-enhancement in young leaves and the decrease of respiration rate are responsible for the increase of nocturnal CO2-uptake during water stress. During short drought periods, which frequently occur in humid habitats, the observed physiological changes result in a marked reduction of water loss while net CO2-uptake is maintained. This might be relevant for plant growth in the natural habitat.

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