
Abstract Rice-rice (double-rice) cropping in the Central Plain region of Thailand relies heavily on irrigation water inputs for cultivation under flooded conditions, which is increasingly constrained by water scarcity. In this production system, farmers often burn or incorporate rice straw (RS) in the field. The effects of the combined use of water and RS management on irrigated lowland double-rice cropping, with respect to irrigation water savings, grain yields, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, remain largely unknown. Field experiments of two consecutive rice-growing seasons in 2016–2017 were conducted at the Ayutthaya Rice Research Center in Ayutthaya, Thailand, to investigate the effects of different water and RS management practices on irrigation water savings, rice grain yields, and GHG emissions. The treatments consisted of two water regimes (continuous flooding [CF], alternate wetting and drying [AWD; 15 cm threshold water level below the soil surface for irrigation]) and three RS management practices (RS incorporation [RS-I], RS burning [RS-B], without RS incorporation and burning [WRS]). Parameters such as irrigation water inputs, soil characteristics (pH, temperature, water content), above-ground biomass, and grain yields were measured. The static vented flux chamber technique was used to measure GHG emissions (CH4 and N2O fluxes). AWD irrigation significantly reduced water inputs compared to CF in both growing seasons; however, there were more water savings in the dry season. AWD also resulted in higher grain yields compared to CF in both growing seasons. The average CH4 emissions from WRS plots were significantly lower compared to both RS-I and RS-B plots, regardless of the growing seasons. However, RS-I and RS-B plots under AWD had 39% and 63% lower CH4 emissions, respectively, in the wet season, while the corresponding values were 37% and 36%, respectively, in the dry season compared to the average CH4 emissions from these RS treatments under CF. Water and RS management did not significantly influence the average flux of N2O emissions from paddy fields in the wet season; however, CF had a lower average N2O flux than AWD in the dry season. The average flux of N2O emissions were very low compared to the CH4 emissions flux in both seasons. Averaged across two seasons, the yield-scaled global warming potential (GWP) under AWD was reduced by 34% compared to CF, and under WRS it was reduced by 36% and 29% compared to RS-I and RS-B, respectively. RS application, either as soil incorporation or open-field burning, had little or no effect on irrigation water savings and grain yields; however, the yield-scaled GWP was significantly higher from plots with RS-I or RS-B than WRS plots. Among the water regime and RS management practices tested, AWD irrigation without any RS application (soil incorporation or burning) can be employed for maintaining the yield-scaled GWP of irrigated lowland double-rice cropping at a low level.

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