
Aims: To determine the effects of dietary supplementation of vitamin E and selenium on infection rate, pack cell volume (PCV) and white blood cell (WBC) of T. brucei brucei infected rats. Study Design: Feeding of rats with varying levels of vitamin E and selenium to determine their effects on parasitaemia, packed cell volume and white blood cells of infected rats. Place and Duration of Study: Animal House, Department of Pharmacology, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria. January 2009. Methodology: Thirty healthy albino rats were randomly divided into five groups (1-5) of six animals each. The PCV and WBC of the experimental animals were determined before they were inoculated with 0.2 ml of infected red blood cell containing 1.5 x 10 T. brucei brucei on the first day. The rats were fed with standard chick grower mash containing varied quantities of vitamin E and selenium for seventeen days. Group 1 (control) were given diet without vitamin E and selenium, group 2 were fed with diet containing vitamin E only, group 3 were fed with diet containing selenium only, group 4 were fed diet containing 0.3 mg vitamin E and 80 mg selenium and group 5 had diet containing 0.5 mg vitamin E and 100 mg selenium. Results: There is a significant (P=.05) decrease in parasitaemia of rats fed varying levels of vitamin E and selenium. The PCV increased significantly (P=.05) in rats fed with diet Original Research Article British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 4(7): 1100-1108, 2014 1101 containing vitamin E and selenium relative to the control. There was no significant (P =.05) change in WBC of rats fed with supplements and that of the control group. Conclusion: The study showed that vitamin E and selenium supplementation significantly decreased parasitaemia resulting in delay of death in the rats, increased the PCV, while there was no significantly effect on WBC.

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