
To evaluate the risk of gastrointestinal long-term aluminium (Al) exposure, aluminium distribution and the levels of the following essential elements: Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, and Fe in tissue were studied. Aluminium was administered in drinking water as aluminium chloride, dihydroxyaluminium sodium carbonate or aluminium hydroxide. Mice (strain Pzh:SFIS) were exposed to a total dose of 700 mg Al in long-term treatment (for each Al compound n = 15). Concentrations of Al, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, and Fe in stomach, kidneys, bone and liver were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry. After AlCl3 treatment, aluminium was found to accumulate in all tested tissues. A significant decrease in Fe concentration in liver and Zn in kidneys was observed in comparison to concentrations of these elements in the control group. In the Al(OH)3-treated group, accumulation of aluminium was observed in bone only and decline of Fe concentration in stomach and Cu in liver and kidney. In the NaAl(OH)2CO3-treated group the increase in Al concentration was significant in bone; there was no change in concentration of essential elements in the examined tissues. The observed aluminium accumulation was not accompanied by changes in Ca and Mg concentration except for bone. This study showed that oral administration as a route of Al exposure can result in diverging accumulation of aluminium in tissues, the concentration depending on the chemical form.

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