
Populations of arboreal marsupials were assessed in forests before and after logging at different levels of logging intensity to determine the sensitivity of these species to habitat disturbance. The logging treatments imposed were unlogged controls and two intensities of integrated logging for sawlogs and woodchips. The mean basal area of trees retained in logged blocks ranged from 83% to 35% of pre-logging levels. The objective of the study was to develop better methods for managing arboreal marsupials within the wood production forests of southeastern New South Wales. Seven species of arboreal marsupials were recorded during the study, but the Greater Glider Petauroides volans was the only species recorded in sufficient numbers for analysis (86% of all records). No significant differences were observed between the treatments in counts of the Greater Glider before and after logging. However, given the observed trend and an a priori expectation of a decline in numbers of this species following intensive logging, a one-tailed statistical test was applied which resulted in a significant difference at P = 0.08 for the contrast between the unlogged controls and the most intensively logged treatment. The existence of a threshold in logging intensity within the range of 21 % to 39% retention of tree basal area, below which numbers of the Greater Glider suffer a marked decline, was inferred on the basis of comparisons with the results of other studies. Factors other than logging were important in determining the distribution of the Greater Glider. Elevation, in particular, was a significant environmental variable, with Greater Gliders more likely to occur in forests above 845 m a.s.1. The presence and absence of particular tree species also influenced the distribution of the Greater Glider. Forests containing Manna Gum E. viminalis and Mountain Gum E. dalrympleana were highly preferred compared to forests with a high proportion of E. obliqua. The presence of E. cypellocarpa appeared to improve the quality of habitat for the Greater Glider in forests dominated by E. obliqua. This study has shown that Greater Glider populations can be maintained at or near pre-logging levels when at least 40% of the original tree basal area is retained thoughout logged areas and when the usual practice of retaining unlogged forest in riparian strips is applied.

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