
Distension of the distal esophagus in the anesthetized rat causes a vagally-mediated arterial pressor and tachycardia response. To investigate the nature of viscerosensory fibers in the afferent limb of this reflex, the present study was carried out in urethane-anesthetized rats that were subjected to graded cooling of both cervical vagal trunks in situ. Distal esophageal distension was applied for 20 s by means of a water-filled high compliance balloon. Vagal cooling to 9°C abolished pressor responses and unmasked a depressor component during maximal distension. Cooling to 7.5°C blocked this inhibitory component, well above the temperature known to block C-fibers. We conclude that the cardiovascular response to esophageal distension is triggered via at least two subpopulations of Aδ type vagal afferents that project to brain stem nuclei regulating central vasomotor tone.

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