
This study has been designed to investigate the effects of using the Online Dictionary for presenting etymological analysis of new vocabulary items in hyperlinked words to students in an online environment, using the accompanying facilities of thesaurus, encyclopedia, and web on developing vocabulary building skills and inducing positive attitudes towards vocabulary learning in EFL students of the College of Languages and Translation, Abha. The study employs a triangulation of research methods, in which two groups studying Vocabulary II, one in traditional setting (control) and the other (experimental) via the Online Dictionary’s etymological analysis feature in a Blackboard environment are examined for the development of vocabulary learning skills and their attitudes towards etymological analysis. The study bore out findings in favour of the new technique of vocabulary learning, i.e., etymological analysis, powered by the Online Dictionary in improving vocabulary learning and inducing to positive attitudes towards vocabulary instruction. The results are discussed in relation to the hypotheses and against the research backdrop presented in the review of the literature. The study ends on a set of pedagogical implications and recommendations for further research.

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