
Aspen (Populus tremula L.) and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) are important for biodiversity conservation and aesthetic reasons. Intensified levels of ungulate browsing the last decades have raised concerns over the recruitment of aspen and rowan in boreal forests. Demographic data are vital to understand and quantify how the structure of tree populations are affected over time by browsing and other factors but such data are rare. In a five-year study, we quantified vital demographic rates for co-occurring aspen and rowan using exclosures in a productive forest area in eastern-central Sweden. Mean annual browsing rate on small (<1 m) aspen and rowan stems was 20 vs. 38%, whereas the order in browsing intensity was reversed for stems of medium (1–2 m) size (28 vs. 14%). Browsing had a clear negative effect on transition rate from small to medium size class in both species, but had a much smaller impact on transition rate from medium to large (2–3 m) size class. Residence time for small stems and regeneration rate was much higher in aspen than in rowan, but browsing did not affect these dynamics. Transition to ungulate safe height (>3 m) was reduced with a factor of two in rowan and four in aspen by browsing.

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