
Trematode parasites are integral components of intertidal ecosystems which experience high levels of ultraviolet radiation. Although these parasites mostly live within hosts, their life cycle involves free-living larval transmission stages such as cercariae which are directly exposed to ambient conditions. UV has previously been shown to considerably reduce the survival of cercariae. Here, we investigated potential mechanisms of protection and damage related to UV in the intertidal trematode Maritrema novaezealandensis. Firstly, the presence of sunscreen compounds (i.e. mycosporine-like amino acids) was quantified in the parasite tissue producing cercariae within a snail host, as well as in the free-swimming cercariae themselves. Secondly, levels of oxidative stress in cercariae after exposure to UV were investigated (i.e. protein carbonyls, catalase and superoxide dismutase). Thirdly, the DNA damage (i.e. cyclobutane–pyrimidine dimers) was compared between cercariae exposed and not exposed to UV. Lastly, functional aspects (survival and infectivity) of cercariae were assessed, comparing cercariae under light conditions versus dark after exposure to UV. We confirmed the presence of mycosporine-like amino acids in cercariae-producing tissue from within snail hosts, but were unable to do so in cercariae directly. Results further suggested that exposure to UV induced high levels of oxidative stress in cercariae which was accompanied by a reduction in the levels of protective antioxidant enzymes present. We also identified higher levels of DNA damage in cercariae exposed to UV, compared with those not exposed. Moreover, no clear effect of light condition was found on survival and infectivity of cercariae after exposure to UV. We concluded that cercariae are highly susceptible to UV damage and that they have very little scope for protection against or repair of UV-induced damage.

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