
The purpose of this research was to investigate effects of two massage therapy techniques on the rate of perceived exertion and performance recovery among adolescent footballers in Lagos state. Pre-test post-test experimental research design was employed for the study. The research instruments for the study included weighing scales, sphygmomanometer, heart rate monitors, cones, RPE rating, massage oil and stop watch. Pre-test data was collected. After the administration of 6 weeks massage therapy sessions, post-test data was collected. Rate of perceived exertion rating was collected through the exposure of the players to circuit training which incorporated sprinting, jumping and siting twist. The performance recovery data was collected by allowing the players to run 800m after their regular training session and the time taken to complete it was recorded. Findings indicated that there was no significant effect of Swedish massage therapy on the rate of perceived exertion, there was significant effect of Swedish massage therapy on performance recovery, and there was significant effect of deep tissue massage therapy on rate of perceived exertion and performance recovery among adolescent footballers. The study recommends that coaches and professionals should design a comprehensive training and recovery plan that includes more of deep tissue massage sessions.

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