
Progeny (n = 861) of tropically adapted breeds [Tuli (TU), Senepol (SE), and Brahman (BR)] and temperate breeds [Angus (AN) and Polled Hereford (HP)] were evaluated for birth and weaning traits in each of 5yr. Multiparous crossbred cows representing three genetic types [British (Bt), ½BR½Bt, and ¾Bt¼BR] were mated to AN, HP, TU, SE, and BR sires, with the exception that BR sires were not mated to ½BR½Bt cows. Calving season was January through early March. Following calving, cows were provided bermudagrass hay and bahiagrass hay and had limited access to rye and ryegrass pastures. Cow and calf pairs grazed bermudagrass and bahiagrass pastures as available until weaning without access to creep feed. Male calves were castrated at birth and were not implanted. Data included birth weight, cannon bone length at birth, weaning weight, weaning hip height, ADG from birth to weaning (ADGBW), ADG from birth to April (ADGBA), ADG from April to weaning (ADGAW), and weight per day of age (WDA). Data were analyzed by PROC Mixed using a model that included calf genetic type, calf sex, calf birth day of year, and calf genetic type × calf sex interaction. Random effects were cow age, birth year, and sire and dam of calf. Calf genetic type and calf sex were significant sources of variation for all characteristics. Linear contrasts revealed that BR-sired calves were heavier at birth, had longer cannon bones at birth, and were taller at weaning (P<0.01). Tuli- and SE-sired calves were similar to AN- and HP-sired calves for birth weight, cannon bone length at birth, and weaning hip height. Angus-, HP-, and BR-sired calves were heavier at weaning compared with TU-sired calves, and SE-sired calves were intermediate for weaning weight (P<0.01). In conclusion, the TU-sired calves were smaller at birth and at weaning when compared with BR-sired calves. The TU- and SE-sired calves appear to offer more moderate size and growth rate through weaning than do the BR-sired calves.

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