
Neuroimaging studies suggest that the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (rDLPFC) is an important brain area involved in fairness-related decision-making. In the present study, we used transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the rDLPFC to investigate the effects of changed cortical excitability on fairness norm enforcement in social decision-making. Participants received anodal, cathodal or sham stimulation before performing a modified ultimatum game task, in which participants were asked to accept or reject the proposer’s offer and self-rate the intensity of their anger at offers on a 7-point scale. The results showed that the rejection rate of unfair offers and anger level were higher in the anodal compared to the sham and cathodal groups and that the level of anger at unfair offers can predict the rejection rate. Furthermore, the fairness effect of RTs was more prominent in the anodal group than in the sham and cathodal groups. Our findings validate the causal role of the rDLPFC in fairness-related decision-making through tDCS, suggesting that strengthening the rDLPFC increases individuals’ reciprocal fairness in social decision-making, both in subjective rating and behaviors.

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