
Effects of total saponin preparations extracted from panacis japonici rhizoma, saponariae radix alba, sapindus pericarpium, senegae radix, thea semen, bupleuri radix, hippocastani semen, and styrax pericarpium, which contain oleanane-type aglycone on plasma levels of ACTH, corticosterone, and glucose in rat were determined by the radioimmunoassay method, the competitive protein binding method, and by the glucose oxidase method, respectively. All of saponins tested were found to increase plasma ACTH, corticosterone, and glucose at 30 minutes after the intraperitoneal administration. ED50 Value for the corticosterone secretion-inducing activity of saponins was estimated. Among 8 saponins, styrax saponin was the most effective (0.7 mg/kg) and panacis japonici saponin was the least (54 mg/kg). The increase in plasma glucose by these saponins was similar to that of isolated saikosaponin a or d but not to that of ginseng saponin. Hemolytic activities of these saponins were also determined, and the order of the activity was almost parallel to the order of ED50.

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