
AbstractWater availability directly influences interactions and competition between weeds and crops. This article is based on the idea that relative water content (RWC) indicates the water uptake within plants and that it is possible to explain the water relationships between plants that are growing together. A field experiment carried out for 3 years (2013–2014, 2014–2015 and 2015–2016) compared the short‐term effects of years and tillage systems on wheat grain yield, weed density, wheat‐RWC, weed‐RWC and soil water content (SWC), at tillering and flowering stages in a winter wheat monoculture system. The three tillage treatments were conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and no‐tillage (NT). Wheat grain yield was low all years of study, because of low interannual rainfall, and we did not observe differences between tillage systems. Weed density was also affected by year and not by tillage systems. Lowest winter rainfall (73.4 mm from Nov to Feb) in the last year of the study (2015–2016), decreased the weed density in all tillage systems. Despite the rainfall variability over the 3 years of study, the NT system presented higher weed density (73 plants/m2) than MT and CT systems (39.83 and 46.33 plants/m2). We also observed a higher number of weed species for the NT system, facilitated by a high soil water storage in this system. The wheat‐RWC, at tillering stage, varied with years and tillage systems; we found that high winter rainfall (2013–2014) led to higher values in CT (64.5%) compared with MT (52.9%) and NT plots (52.9%). Weed‐RWC values did not vary and SWC was greater in NT than in CT and MT. At flowering stage, the year (2015–2016) with highest spring rainfall favoured higher wheat‐RWC in NT (56.9%) compared with CT (48.3%). However, the lowest spring rainfall coincided with the lowest weed‐RWC, (18% in NT plots) and SWC was always higher in NT soils. The results showed that climatic conditions affected the water competence dynamics between weeds and wheat in different ways. Seemingly, weeds can tolerate a lack of water availability until crop tillering stage independently of tillage system; however, the competition for water was not a problem as crops overcame the high weed density by flowering stage.

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