
The objective of this study was to verify the immediate effect of the voiced tongue trill technique in ascending and descending glissandos on the voice range profile of choir members. A total of 25 sopranos, mezzo-sopranos, contraltos, tenors, and baritones participated in the study. They were choir members, aged 20 to 45 years, with no voice symptoms, and able to perform the voiced tongue trill technique. Their voice range profile was analyzed before and after performing the ascending and descending technique for 2 and 5 minutes. The maximum fundamental frequency values in the study groups increased after performing the ascending and descending technique for 2 minutes (P=0.001) and 5 minutes (P=0.003). The range in Hz increased after 2 minutes (P=0.010) and 5 minutes (P=0.050) of the ascending technique and after 2 minutes (P=0.001) of the descending technique, and the minimum fundamental frequency mean value suffered interference from the type of technique (ascending/descending). The immediate effects of VTTT in glissandos on the VRP of choir members' considering the two factors: condition and time, in ascending and descending glissandos for 2 and 5 minutes increased the maximum frequency and the range in Hz of choristers. Regarding volume levels results, no difference was found in intensity after applying the technique.

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