
Teaching in the 21st century requires the ability to know and use technological resources that allow the development of virtual learning environments that facilitate the incorporation of educational content and that the student has access to it through educational platforms, while generating environments and situations of learning that allow the development of socio-emotional skills. Socio-emotional skills are the source of differentiation of human talent within the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is characterized by continuous technological, scientific and social advancement. Within the use and management of technological tools in the context of education, whether formal or non-formal, the relevance of the use and application offered by these resources to develop the capacities, attitudes and Social and Emotional Skills that any citizen of the world needs XXI century. It is in this context that this article supports the effects of virtual learning environments (PLE) in the development of Social and Emotional Skills in university students. A correlational analysis is made between the use of LMS Platforms (Learning Management System) and the development of Socioemotional Skills of undergraduate students. The research is developed in the population of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration (FCA); attached to the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), Mexico. A quantitative, descriptive and correlational research is designed. The degree of association between the independent variables socio-emotional skills in three constructs is evaluated: intrapersonal, interpersonal and cognitive, with the dependent variable, virtual learning environments, by means of a structural equation model. For the statistical analysis, the AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures) software is used, which allows the construction and validation of a structural model that identifies, specifies, estimates evaluation parameters of adjustment specification of the investigative modeling, as well as its results, integrates the multivariate techniques of Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Models (SEM). A recursive model is obtained, which shows a positive correlation direction between the exogenous variable (LMS) and the endogenous variables (Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Cognitive). The results reflect a greater correlation in the effects of the use of virtual learning environments (PLE) in the development of interpersonal and cognitive Social and Emotional Skills.

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