
Pork muscle cathepsins (B, B+L, and H), cysteine proteinase inhibitors and lipolytic enzyme activities were measured in the offspring of five different genetic sire types: Danish Duroc (DU), Dutch Large White (LW D), English Large White (LW E), Belgian Landrace × Landrace (BL×LR) and Belgian Landrace (BL). Cathepsin B and B+L activities were higher for LW E and LW D sires than for BL×LR and BL. Cathepsin H activity showed an opposite evolution, being higher for BL and BL×LR sires than for DU, LW D and LW E. Cysteine proteinase inhibitor activity was higher for LW E sires than for DU and BL. In lipolytic enzymes, BL sires had a lower acid lipase activity than DU and LW E sires and also a lower neutral esterase activity than LW E and LW D sires. Significant differences between sexes were found for cathepsin H activity only, being higher for females.

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