
The purpose of this study is to analyze and review the self-esteem program on underachieving children's reading and writing and academic achievement. The self-esteem program was carried out five times for two male fourth graders and two male fifth graders at S elementary school in Gwangju as the subject of this study. Self Esteem program was a preand post-test two sessions, five sessions arbitration. Program content is organized into to present yourself, to be announced likes and dislikes, know their strengths and weaknesses, to announce plans for the future, etc. The result of this study showed that the self-esteem program affected underachieving children's reading ability. This can be interpreted as the result of the Received (May 16, 2016), Review Result (May 30, 2016) Accepted (June 7, 2016), Published (July 31, 2016) 506-706 Dept. Special Education, NamBu Univ., 23 Chumdan Jungang-ro, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, Korea email: psoongil@nambu.ac.kr (Corresponding Author) 506-706 Doctor's Course, Dept. Special Education, NamBu Univ., 23 Chumdan Jungang-ro, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, Korea email: ljw@hanmail.net * 이 논문은 정부재원(교육부 인문사회연구역량강화사업비)으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받았음(2013S1A3A2054928). Effects of the self-esteem program on underachieving children's reading and writing abilities Copyright c 2016 HSST 260 confidence gained through such a program announced in self-esteem. Second, the underachieving children's writing ability was improved through the self-esteem program. It can be said that the announcement is related to trying to see down the front of your friends likes and dislikes in a self-esteem program. Third, while the self-esteem program was being carried out, the overall attitude of four students was changed significantly.

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