
The dry grain weight of the Risø barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var. disticum) high lysine mutants 1508 and 527 at maturity was 32 and 37% lower, respectively, than the grains of the cultivar Bomi. Dry grain weight of the double mutant 527/1508 was reduced by 57%. Total number of endosperm nuclei from cv. Bomi, mutants 1508, 527 and 527/1508 at 24 days after anthesis was 173 000,156 000,121 000 and 111 000, respectively. Transverse mid‐grain sections from mutants 1508 and 527 contained fewer aleurone cells and approximately the same number of starchy endosperm cells as cv. Bomi. The cellular organization of the endosperm of the double mutant deviated substantially from the normal. Cell volume in the central starchy endosperm of cv. Bomi, mutants 1508 and 527 at 33 days after anthesis averaged 390 000, 270 000 and 180 000 um5, respectively. Cell volume in the double mutant was smaller than in 527, but could not be accurately estimated due to the irregular shape of the cells. The mean section area of individual large starch granules in the central endosperm of mutants 1508, 527 and 527/1508 at 33 days after anthesis was 30, 48 and 72% smaller, respectively, than those of cv. Bomi. The average aleurone cell volume in cv. Bomi at 33 days after anthesis was 6 200 μm3.

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