
The present study tested whether testosterone propionate (TP) implanted in the ventromedial nucleus (VMN) of the hypothalamus could initiate performance, motivational, or sociosexual components of sexual behavior in castrated male rats. Twenty-seven intact male Long Evans rats were pretested for copulation, partner preference, and 50-kHz vocalization and were subsequently castrated. Approximately 3 weeks after castration, males were retested to confirm that these behaviors had declined, and groups were assigned. Groups 1 and 2 were implanted with bilateral stainless steel cannulae directed at the VMN that were either filled with TP (TVMN group) or remained empty (Blank group). A third group (TSC) was implanted subcutaneously with two 10-mm Silastic capsules filled with testosterone. Restoration of behavior was measured for 2 weeks after implants. We found that copulation and 50-kHz vocalization were not restored by TP in the VMN alone. However, partner preference returned to preoperative levels in both the TVMN and TSC groups, indicating that TP in the VMN was sufficient to restore sexual motivation. Following behavioral testing, prostate glands and seminal vesicles were weighed and confirmed that TP did not leak into the periphery in the TVMN group. Immunostaining for androgen receptors also verified that TP spread was confined to the immediate area surrounding the cannula tip. These results suggest that androgen activation at the VMN is sufficient to induce the motivational components of male sexual behavior, whereas activation of other brain sites is required for copulation and ultrasonic vocalization.

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