
The primitive pulmonate snail Amphibola crenata embeds embryos within a smooth mud collar on exposed estuarine mudflats in New Zealand. Development through hatching of free-swimming veliger larvae was monitored at 15 salinity and temperature combinations covering the range of 2–30 ppt salinity and 15–25 °C. The effect of exposure to air on developmental rate was also assessed. There were approximately 18,000 embryos in each egg collar. The total number of veligers released from standard-sized egg collar fragments varied with both temperature and salinity: embryonic survival was generally higher at 15 and 20 °C than at 25 °C; moreover, survival was generally highest at intermediate salinities, and greatly reduced at 2 ppt salinity regardless of temperature. Even at 2 ppt salinity, however, about one-third of embryos were able to develop successfully to hatching. Embryonic tolerance to low salinity was apparently a property of the embryos themselves, or of the surrounding egg capsules; there was no indication that the egg collars protected embryos from exposure to environmental stress. Mean hatching times ranged between 7 and 22 days, with reduced developmental rates both at lower temperature and lower salinity. At each salinity tested, developmental rate to hatching was similar at 20 and 25 °C. At 15 °C, time to hatching was approximately double that recorded at the two higher exposure temperatures. Exposing the egg collars to air for 6–9 h each day at 20 °C (20 ppt salinity) accelerated hatching by about 24 h, suggesting that developmental rate in this species is limited by the rates at which oxygen or wastes can diffuse into and from intact collars, respectively. Similarly, veligers from egg capsules that were artificially separated from egg collars at 20 °C developed faster than those within intact egg collars. The remarkable ability of embryos of A. crenata to hatch over such a wide range of temperatures and salinities, and to tolerate a considerable degree of exposure to air, explains the successful colonization of this species far up into New Zealand estuaries.

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