
The ingestion and absorption rate of standard length Thais lapillus (L.) stepwise-acclimated to constant temperature-salinity conditions and preying on Mytilus edulis (L.) varied directly with environmental salinity at 10, 15 and 20°C. Dogwhelk ingestion and absorption rates indicate that cold torpor existed at 5°C and heat stress was evident at 20°C. The feeding cycle duration was significantly longer for dogwhelks acclimated to 20%. S than in those acclimated to 30%. S at 10°C even though no significant difference existed between the two groups of snails in the drilling and ingestion or postfeeding phases of the cycle. Ingestive conditioning of dogwhelks to mussels occurred; the duration of the drilling and ingestion and total feeding cycle declined as a function of the number of mussels consumed by a snail. Dogwhelks of all sizes prey on a wide length range of mussels and there is also a high degree of variability in the ingestion rate of snails as a function of their size. A prominent feature of the lack of a relationship between dogwhelk ingestion rate and snail size was that the percentage of nonfeeding snails increased at low salinity and temperature extremes. Digestive-tubule cell lysosomal stability was tested as an index of digestive capability and animal condition; in stepwise-acclimated dogwhelks, it correlated well with their ingestion and absorption rates. The ingestion rate of dogwhelks acclimated to 30%. S and subjected to a 30−17.5−30%. S semidiurnal pattern of fluctuating salinity for 21 days was significantly lower than for snails maintained at 30%. S; however, snails acclimated to 17.5%. S and exposed to the same pattern of fluctuating salinity fed at a higher rate than snails maintained at 17.5%. S. Aerial exposure of snails maintained at 30%. S and 10°C water temperature resulted in an ingestion rate 2.1 times faster than for snails constantly submerged suggesting that tidal emersion is not always stressful to intertidal carnivores. The postfeeding phase of the feeding cycle was shortened in dogwhelks subjected to aerial exposure. Although significant variation occurred in digestive-tubule cell lysosomal stability during the first cycle of fluctuating salinity, the variability had declined significantly by Day 21. This observation suggests that digestive tubule lysosomal stability becomes adapted to a fluctuating osmotic environment, although the initial changes in lysosomal stability are probably related to intralysosomal protein catabolism and production of amino acids for intracellular osmoregulation. Variations in the osmotic environment of T. lapillus have resulted in unexpected outcomes with respect to their ingestion rate under conditions of fluctuating salinity and aerial exposure.

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