
Previous feeding studies on herbivorous marine snails rarely have focused on temperature effects on food intake. If temperature affects food intake, ectothermic snails may experience difficulty obtaining sufficient nutritional resources, limiting their ability to sustain populations at suboptimal temperatures. We hypothesized that the feeding responses of Tegula species would correspond with temperatures characteristic of their geographic distributions. We determined activity, consumption rates, and gut passage times at 11°C, 15°C, 19°C, and 23°C for three Tegula species with distinct thermal distributions: T. brunnea (cold water), T. aureotincta (warm water), and individuals from warm- and cold-water populations of T. funebralis, a broadly distributed species. Activity and consumption rates of T. aureotincta increased with increasing temperature, but were highest for T. brunnea at 19°C, a temperature rarely achieved in habitats occupied by this species, and lowest at 11°C. Warm-water T. funebralis showed significantly lower activity and consumption rates at 11°C, whereas cold-water T. funebralis consumed food fastest at 15°C and were most active at 23°C. Temperature affected gut passage time only in T. aureotincta. These data suggest that temperature might influence the northern limit of T. aureotincta by affecting activity and food consumption rates. T. brunnea’s activity and ability to consume food were not hindered by warmer temperatures despite the present day restriction of this species to colder waters. Also, widely separated (>300 km) T. funebralis populations may be adapted to regional conditions based on the different temperature responses of northern and southern snails.

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