
The effects of procaine and some relatedagents on the growth rate of thecyanobacterium Synechococcusleopoliensis were investigated underphotoautotropic growth conditions and thedata compared with those for selectedphytohormones. Low concentrations(0.1–1 μM) of synthetic localanaesthetics (procaine, procainamide,tetracaine, lidocaine, dibucaine) enhancedphotoautotrophic growth. Lidocaine was themost effective growth stimulant, followedin decreasing order by procainamide,tetracaine, dibucaine, and procaine.Increases in growth rate were comparable tothose elicited by similar concentrations ofthe auxins indole-3-acetic acid and2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and of thecytokinin kinetin. Quantitativestructure-activity relationships betweenthe anaesthetics and phytohormones weresought. Score plots of principal componentsformulated from twelve moleculardescriptors suggest that the proliferativeeffects evoked by the anaesthetics andphytohormones may result from similaraffinities for binding receptor sites onthe cyanobacterial cell surface.Cyanobacterial growth assays couldtherefore be utilised as screens forcompounds with potential applications inagriculture and medicine.evolution

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